Friday, April 29, 2011

First garden update of the year!

Today's post is going to be a short one.  Last week sometime (all those rainy days are running together), CS and I went out and planted some lettuce and spinach in the garden.  I know it doesn't take long to sprout and lettuce being one of the few things I can grow successfully, I was thrilled when I went outside and saw this!

I was so happy that the rain we've had for the last....oh I lost count....days didn't drown the garden!  These little sprouts will be thinned out before too long, but for now I'm just happy to see little bunches of sprouts all throughout the garden!

On a different note, after the first sunny day we've had in a while there was a brief rain yesterday evening.  Here are a couple pictures from my flower gardens in the front.  I can't believe how green and big the hostas are already!  The rain drops on the leaves was just too much to resist!  I had to snap this picture!

This one also comes from the front flower garden.  I have no idea what type of flowers this plant is supposed to be because in the almost 3 years we've owned the house, they've never bloomed.  The leaves are pretty though!  Not a day goes by that I don't think of the previous owner with gratitude that they planted a pretty perennial garden!

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