Thursday, April 14, 2011

Therapy Milestone

It's official!  Ren is now onto bi-weekly therapy sessions!  To say we are thrilled by this would be putting it very mildly.  Ecstatic is a better word for it.  I can't believe how much therapy has helped him.  To be honest, I thought that having a child in therapy was a stigma.  4 months later and my attitude has changed, for the better!  I now see that therapy isn't a parenting failure, but instead, something to celebrate.  Without the therapy Ren would still have issues with expressing himself.  He wouldn't know how to calm himself after a meltdown.  He wouldn't know the power that words have to help express his thoughts.  With therapy he has learned all these things and more!


To some, bi-weekly visits, are fantastic!  So much so that a graduation announcementwould be just the thing to celebrate this accomplishment!  Now, I'm totally kidding about a real announcement, but I think I will use this accomplishment to make a photo book!  All throughout our therapy journey (I say our because it's a whole family effort for us), I've snapped pictures to mark the milestones!  Shutterfly is the place I always head to for photobooks!  I have several and love each of them.  I adore scrapbooking, but sometimes a photobook is just so much easier!   They are super easy to make! 

I'm celebrating and I'm happy about it!

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This post is part of a series sponsored by Shutterfly. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

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