Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Weight loss, weight gain…

A while back, I wrote about starting to use the C25K program.  Things were running along fine until about week 4.  Then, they went downhill, quickly.  Why?  Back in the day (we're talking LONG ago), I ran.  Then about the age of 20 my knees starting swelling and hurting.  So, off to the doctor's office I trudged.  Only to find out that I had very little, to almost no, cartilage left in my knees.  Now, that's the back story.

Onto my foray into C25K.  First off, let me say that this is a FABULOUS program.  I really did enjoy my time running.  Yet, around week 4 the swelling came back.  To the point that an ice bag wasn't doing it.  Another doctors appointment and this time she says, "Well, I don't think running is going to be your thing anymore".  Yeah, thanks for that one. 

Anyway, feeling very depressed about it all, I started eating again.  A lot of eating.  I'm an emotional eater, this is what I do.  10 pounds later and I am finally over the "no running" rule.  Why?  I'm not willing to let something get me down anymore.  I went back to the doctor (this lady seriously could retire on my visits alone...haha) and talked it over.  Since running is out of the picture, I'm walking.  Walking 3 times a week and (as soon as hubby is better, I won't go into that right now), we are going to start taking a leisurely stroll every night after dinner, weather permitting.  I have begun to curtail my eating and get back into cooking at home, watching portions and by golly this time I'm NOT going to let anything get in my way.  You hear that knees, back off.  My goal is to lose about 10 - 15 pounds by the end of summer.  I'm not looking for a "quick weight loss", nor am I into depriving myself of anything.  My approach is about portion sizes, eating more fruits and veggies and getting exercise. 

I will try to post updates bi-weekly and let you know how we are eating, if I 've lost anything, and how my journey is progressing.  Wish me luck!!


  1. Get rid of it before you hit 40 because it so tough to lose! I have been trying (as I have the bag of M&M 's in front of me)LOL!!

  2. everything in moderation right?!?

  3. Get rid of it before you hit 40 because it so tough to lose! I have been trying (as I have the bag of M&M 's in front of me)LOL!!

  4. everything in moderation right?!?
