Monday, February 21, 2011

Preparing for school

It's only February, but around our house, we're already preparing for school.  That may seem a little extreme, but trust me, the time spent doing your research is time well spent.

A has had a wonderful year so far!  She adores her school.  She loves her teacher and has made some great friends.  All in all, I call her school year a success (so far).  After all the questions and worries, I'm thankful I took Andrea's advice and just let it be.  She told me "you may be surprised" and I can honestly say I was. 

Now, for Ren, he's done very well in our Catholic school's preschool program.  He's learned so much and the teachers are the best teachers in our area (biased opinion there).  We've been so happy with the preschool program that CS is enrolled to start next fall.  She can hardly contain herself and reminds the teachers how happy she is.  It's quite funny to watch actually.

Now, since Ren is starting Kindergarten next year, we have some decisions to make.  I mentioned in this post that we have been recommended a Montessori type of school for him.  So, for the past month or so I've been researching local Montessori schools.  They all seem to be great schools with one little hitch....a great big price tag to match.  Thankfully, we do have one option that is a whole lot less expensive.  Our public school district has a school that is taught using the Montessori method.  I've already called them and got the information.  Yay! 

I had said I would update with school issues and such, well, this is the first.  Over the next few weeks I plan on highlighting the different types of schools my kids are attending, why they work best for each of the kids, and why we like each of them.

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